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Medical Design

Medical Website Design – Cortes Menolab


Cortes Menolab is a research organization specializing in menopause research. They needed a website that was going to help spread awareness about their research and studies. They also wanted a way to share information and educate the public about menopause and its effect on woman. There primary focus is to extend that information out to other cultures including woman of color and the Latino community. We developed the site to be bilingual automatically using Google’s translate API. Additionally, we developed a custom content type for them to easily add new projects and highlight their work in a consistent design.

Website screen shot of cortesmenolab.com

Let's Talk About Your Project

Key Website Features

  • Responsive
  • Bilingual
  • Website Package
  • Custom Medical Design
  • Branded Email
  • Domain Registration
  • SSL Certificate Installation
  • Website Management
  • Hosted on Google Cloud Servers
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